Gloria Gaynor Speaks at Spring Luncheon Celebrating Women's History Month
Mar. 18 2025
Bergen Performing Arts Center helds its 2nd annual Spring Luncheon on March 18 to celebrate Women's History Month featuring New Jersey native Gloria Gaynor as the guest speaker. She was introduced by New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy, who headlined last year's luncheon.
Gaynor shared stories from her life with the 130 attendees in an intimate lunch held on bergenPAC's Taub Stage. She talked about the incredible challenges she went through before creating a beautiful second act for herself, both professionally and personally.
bergenPAC honored Gaynor with a paver stone with her name on the Walk of Fame in front of the theater lobby.
The Queen of Disco returns to bergenPAC later this month to perform a concert on March 27.