DateNov 14, 2023
Ticket Prices$65 - $55 - $45
Time8:00 PM
AvailabilityOn Sale Now
Event Details
Babasonicos, the iconic Argentinian rock band that has broken the status quo in Latin American rock, pushing the established boundaries repeatedly during the 90s and 2000s. They managed to destabilize rock music and create new trends, never conforming to the norm.
In almost three decades they have recorded 14 studio albums, 7 of which have been certified as Gold and Platinum in different countries of Latam. Being recognized as one of the most influential bands in the new generations, their music is still valid: they were the most listened to band during 2021 in Argentina Babasonicos hold the record for having won most Premios Gardel, the most prestigious Music Awards in Argentina. They have been multi-nominated and have won a Latin Grammy, an MTV Latin America Music Award, Urbe in Venezuela and 40 Principales in Mexico, amongst others.
They are the Argentine rock band with most international projection: they continually tour throughout Latin America and have also performed in European countries such as Spain, Belgium, France, England, and Germany. They have performed at major music festivals all around the world: Coachella (USA), Vive Latino (Mexico), Lollapalloza, Estéreo Picnic (Colombia), Personal Fest (Argentina), Cumbre Tajín (Mexico), Pepsi (Argentina), Quilmes (Argentina), among others.
Big brands look for them for being trend setters and opinion generators. Some of the companies that have associated their products with Babasonicos are Shure, Movistar, HP, Claro música, Bimbo and Motorola.
They have been on the cover of the most important rock magazines in Latin America, including Rolling Stone, Billboard, Inrockuptibles, Prensario, Soy Rock, La Mano, Gatopardo, Telehit and Marvin.
Babasonicos are always at the cutting edge and discovering new horizons. Parallel to their conventional music career involving official album releases, touring and sponsorships, they have released side B vinyls and alternate albums, documentaries, a record label with the purpose of discovering new bands, and an album-book called Babasónicos vs El Público
Additional Ticket Information
No elevator access to the mezzanine and balcony